Monday, October 6, 2008

From the Beginning!

In our class, before we started on the subject of Biology, we began with how to study because our teacher said that this lecture would help us.

How to study:

Before you read, trick the brain. Look at your book and put your hands between the first page you have to read and the last and tell yourself "this is easy!" and play with it between your hands. Your tricking your brain the brain to believe that what you are reading is going to be easy. Then, look at the pictures and captions. By doing this you are telling your brain that most of what's in the textbook is pictures and diagrams and IT IS!
When you start to read do something like: take notes. Yeah, yeah... I 've heard it before. "It's boring and I fall alseep." Wrong type of notes. I'm not talking about just copying everything down. This is what i'm talking about:

By doing this, you keep your hands busy and not only is it a great way to take notes but also it helps you understand what you are reading.

Or try Cornell style which ever way it's doing something with your hands.

Taking notes helps you avoid sleeping while doing this and if it is still happening put a little music on. Warning: NO SLOW SONGS! this WILL make you sleepy!

When you're done with your mind mapping look over your notes to make sure you've got everything and don't be afraid to write questions that you can ask your teacher before/during/after class. Lastly, REVIEW! Study your notes everyday for 10 minutes to 20 minutes tops. This will help you keep up with information. And when you're done...guess what you get to do? PARTY!!!! Take a breather by taking a nap, eating a snack, or watching a little bit of TV. This will help you relax for all your hard work. Also, your brain will want to do it again because guess what? It gets rewards for doing it's hard work! And for us teenagers, we tend not to do anything without rewards at the end of the tunnel.

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